Concept Aware®:
How You See & Why It Matters
Concept Aware® is an applicable framework of concept development that I created to provide specific tools for visual artists to bring their abstract ideas to fruition in image and text. Concept Aware® addresses equity representation and guides art-makers to approach visual storytelling with an intersectional lens.
Concept Aware® Podcast
Concept Aware® Podcast (formally Got Punctum?) is a veritable masterclass in concept development. In 85+ conversations, I engage with an international array of contemporary photographers, curators and artists to discuss how they see. We focus on the photobook-making process across all genres of photography, and provide extensive hyperlinked resources with each episode.
Work With Me
Collaboration is the foundation of my work in curation, education and consultation. My role is to illuminate and elevate your creative practice, to provide tools of concept development and accompany your process to clarify and empower your ideas to transform into images, exhibitions, installations and photo books. It begins with a brief exploratory phone call to discuss your needs and how I can specifically address them.
“Sybylla opened the world of photography to me. She helped me decide which were my top twenty, top twelve, and top five images, and in what order they should be sequenced. I learned the hows and whys of doing this.”
— Karen Olson
“Syb’s ability to see connections between images sometimes baffled me and often amazed me. Until I experienced it on the walls, I couldn’t fully appreciate how perfectly placed they were.”
— Becky Wilkes
“I’ve been around the industry for several decades and have yet to meet anyone else quite like Sybylla. When I’m fortunate enough to cross paths with her, I know I will depart with a smile and a long list of things I need to explore.”
— Dan Milnor
Follow me on Instagram: @jsybylla
Each image on this website is made by a photographer with whom I have collaborated and was granted permission for use of their image.