How I Work
I utilize your images to form a powerful narrative through a collaborative process of editing and sequencing. Curating entails identifying key images, creating a context for the overriding concept and offering a layered educational experience reflecting the subject or theme of the work. Careful consideration is given to details of title, written material and forming collaborations with other auspices aligned with the content.
“Syb’s ability to see connections between images sometimes baffled me and often amazed me. Until I experienced it on the walls, I couldn’t fully appreciate how perfectly placed they were.”
- Becky Wilkes
Photo Credits: Lee Udall Bennion, Eric Luden, J. Sybylla Smith
Featured Curation
Becky Wilkes,
‘Till Death Do Us Part’
Becky and I began our collaboration by addressing her profoundly personal documentary project of capturing her parents' concurrent end-of-life experiences. Midway through our ongoing editing of 1000+ images, while we were building a context for this poignant work, an exhibition opportunity at Arts Fort Worth presented itself.