Concept Aware®

How You See & Why It Matters

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Concept Aware® is an innovative framework that provides a roadmap of the creative process and introduces essential elements of creative practice, as illustrated through contemporary photography. This actionable theory empowers artists with a skillset to inspire, refine and expand their visual voice.

Engaging with this toolkit stimulates awareness, provides clarity and instills confidence in one’s concept development. My practical structure fosters a capacity to communicate and contextualize one’s work in impactful images and text.

Embedded in Concept Aware® is the engagement of punctum—the silent exchange of emotions between an image and its viewer. My premise is that there is a circular relationship between engaging one’s enthusiasm while making an image and the punctum inherent within it.

Concept Aware® is applicable to visual artists at any stage in their professional development and is taught in undergraduate, graduate and professional settings. Artists who engage with this theory benefit from learning how to be in constant conversation with their work. Keeping a sharp focus on process allows the product to evovle organically.


Concept Aware® assists visual artists in:

  • Developing and sustaining ideas and inspiration

  • Emboldening experimentation and innovation

  • Initiating research

  • Fostering collaborations

  • Discovering new ways of seeing

  • Articulating artistic expression with clarity and confidence

  • Positioning their work within a larger context of visual culture

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Photo Credits: Top of page: Linda Barsotti, Fie Franciska, Ralph Mercer
Bottom of page: Jaina Cipriano, Heidi Kirkpatrick, Melinda Reyes, Amy Thompson Avishai

Featured Collaborations