Photoville 2023

Welcome, Photoville, and congratulations on your twelfth consecutive year leading public displays of visual storytelling. I was so pleased to participate in this year’s opening weekend and take part in your interactive education and public programming events. I concentrated on your Brooklyn offerings and am excited to explore all you have going on in the other boroughs before June 18th. Here are four highlights from under the Brooklyn Bridge:

In War Toys: Children’s Stories of Survival and Loss, photographer Brian McCarty narratively stages real toys in active conflict zones as he recreates children’s firsthand experience of war. His non-profit War Toys® provides advocacy campaigns, making visible the cultural and social power of play and the devastating impact of war.

Autistic Joy is Jen White-Johnson’s community advocacy project that addresses the experiences and needs of neurodiverse children and adults. Her disability justice work aims to empower and activate positive change for children of color in neurodiverse communities.

The public learned of Sally Ride’s sexuality twenty-nine years after the historic voyage that made her the first female astronaut to visit space. Mackenzie Calle’s long-term project, The Gay Space Agency, challenges the inequities of the LGBTQIA+ communities in aeronautics.

Marjolein Busstra’s We Don’t Talk utilizes photography as a therapeutic tool of empowerment and healing for trafficked youth in the Netherlands. This global issue of exploitation is invisible, complex and has exponentially exploded with the use of technology.

Photoville NYC runs from June 3 - June 18th

For more information:

Photoville website | Instagram | Facebook


Re-Naissance by Hettie Judah


AIPAD 2023