J. Sybylla Smith, In Conversation with Elizabeth Clark Libert

There is no courage without vulnerability. Courage requires the willingness to lean into uncertainty, risk and emotional exposure.
— BrenÉ Brown, Atlas of the Heart

Episode #64, Summary

Boy Crazy captures in image and text the tender and terrifying emotional awakening and breaking of generational trauma.

Episode Notes 

Elizabeth Clark Libert's bold diaristic conversation with herself is a reckoning with a twenty years old sexual trauma and its impact on raising her school-age sons. Boy Crazy is a masterfully designed melange of self-portraits, environmental portraits, seasonal landscapes and family photos. Interspersed in a searingly honest staccato manner are intimate musings, email correspondence with her perpetrator and snippets of pointed conversation with her sons. 

In this conversation, Elizabeth discusses, among other things:

J. Sybylla Smith, In Conversation with Elizabeth Clark Libert
J. Sybylla Smith

J. Sybylla Smith, In Conversation With Barbara Peacock


J. Sybylla Smith, In Conversation with Anastasia Samoylova