International Women Photographers Series—WOPHA, Women Photographers International Archive
“Political time is short, cultural time is glacial.”
Episode #83
Unscripted conversations with Aldeide Delgado, co-founder and leader of Women Photographers International Archive, and recent WOPHA Research Fellow and scholar, Dr. Candice Jansen.
Episode Notes:
Each woman shares their expansive practice, leading with curiosity and utilizing inquiry to activate potentiality. As scholars, archivists, writers, curators, and collaborators - their open-ended investigations resist a singular way of seeing. They build evolutionary and community-driven paradigms based on research, and center the importance of the past to envision a more equitable future.
In this conversation, Aldeide and Candice discuss, among other things:
Amplifying visual stories of marginalized communities
Rewriting photographic history from a feminist perspective
Curatorial activism
Rhizomatic thinking
Trial, error and play
Place as process
The audience as the protagonist
New vocabulary and new definitions - ie. Memorist
Photography as a medium and a whole-body experience
Establishing terms of visibility
Prismatic perception
Referenced in the episode: