Motherhood is Myriad!

Conception and childbirth are fundamental collective human experiences, yet the who, how, where, when and why of human reproduction is anything but universal. Designing Motherhood, Things That Make or Break Our Birth, the instructive installation now on view at the MassArt Art Museum through December, spotlights the political, economic, and social differences we encounter while chronicling the increasingly medicalized aspects of reproduction.

Kudos to the collaborative efforts and partnerships of authors and curators Michelle Millar Fisher and Amber Winick. From its inception, their project connects the work and vision of a vast array of individuals and institutions. Neighborhood Birth Center, Boston’s first birth center, is a Black and Brown-led non-profit with a mission to offer comprehensive midwifery care rooted in relationships and community, and is the local partner in this exhibition. FYI - 99% of births in MA happen in a hospital and shifting to midwifery options in community would save $1.9 billion annually, according to their website. Projected to open in 2023, they are fundraising towards their purchase and renovation costs - Donate here.

“Design is never a neutral endeavor.” as stated in the entry text. The layout weaves viewers though a mind-blowing journey of 10 reproductive stages. The visual encounters are captivating, engaging and at times entertaining. The substantial education on historical issues of unequal access and uninformed consent are both barbaric and viscerally chilling.

I was excited by the impactful contributions of my photography colleagues, Dr. Debra Willis, Jess Dugan, and Tabitha Soren. Tangible and expansive, their visions spotlight truth— piercing though the murky pastel-hued fairy tales of motherhood. I love the updated definition of motherhood given in the exhibition Glossary! Rather than share it I encourage you to witness this exhibition as it boldly commands all of us to become stewards of comprehensive maternal health care as the universal human right it is.


Photobook Giveaway!


Visual Voices in Print, Griffin Museum of Photography, Thursday June 16, 2022 at 7pm ET